Whether your grandchildren live out of town or on the next block, the times spent together are probably very precious to you. If you are wanting to create a room where they can have a great deal of fun while making special memories, consider these ideas.

The Walls - The walls can become one of the focal points of the special room you are decorating for your grandchildren. Consider having murals on at least one of the walls. Characters from favorite children's books would be adorable. If you want some magic in the room, consider a wall with a garden theme, complete with fairies and gnomes as part of the scene. Another idea is to have a wall that is dedicated to artwork that your grandchildren create themselves. Cork board comes in many different sizes, so that would be perfect.

The Floors - A great choice is to have easy-to-care-for carpet that will be comfortable to sit on. Additional throw rugs that are decorated in bright colors or with children's themes would be darling, too. Consider learning rugs that have the alphabet and numbers on them. Have cushy bean bag chairs that are conducive to curling up with a stack of books to read during quiet time.

The Furniture - Make it cute and comfy.

  • No beds! They take up too much play space. Instead, roll-up sleeping bags designed especially for kids are perfect because they can be put up when they're not being used.
  • An adorable idea is to buy wooden play furniture that your grandchildren can actually use. A kitchen set complete with a toy refrigerator, a table and chair set, a little ironing board, and a little stove with play pots and pans would be a lot of fun. Have a section set up with wooden doll beds and little rocking chairs, both for your grandchildren and their dolls.
  • Consider having a shelf or two that will hold books and toys. To go with the wooden furniture you selected, consider buying old-fashioned wooden toys to go on the shelves. Whether you have grandsons or granddaughters, they'll love playing with wooden blocks. It's a good idea to get more than one set so that they can build marvelous structures! Wooden vehicles are another fun addition.
  • The great part about selecting wooden furniture and toys is that they're timeless and affordable. 

Have fun setting up a room for your grandchildren to enjoy!
